Sunday, March 8, 2009


We can say that in life word ''want'' is actually replaced with ''need''. It's much more often used around and let's be obvious, it sounds much better, not for others, but for ourself!!! Of course we won't say ''I want this, I want that'', because you can want anything, it doesn't really matter. However, if you will say ''I really need that.'' -you need it and that's it! Those ''needs'' come from us, we are the authors of them, and we are the only ones that can manage them. It's obvious that it's manufactured by marketers, but all their work is to make ourselves say ''I need it!!!'' Marketers are using that to make a business on us. And let's be honest, we all are easy to fool with those ''needs''. Well, we have to shop with head and be very carefful for advertisments or workers who are trying to sell you their products, ''their product is the best of all!'' so you need it. Sellers are always fast, they cannot let you think, so you won't have any doubts and you will easly buy their product. But let's always ask ourselves a question: ''Do I really need that?'' And possibly the answer would be ''No, I want it!''


  1. I totally agree, think before you buy ;)

  2. LOL, i totally agree with you, this is just part of the comsumism, we were thought to replace the sense of need and want, and the most vulnerable people to fall for these are teenagers and WHY NOT !! even adults. Take a look at cell phone, every other month we find new styles, new colors new features...and by now we even have to take a college class to learn how to use them..and all these just to make a phone call.
