Sunday, March 1, 2009


Today I feel really tired. I 've been drving almost all day. In the morning we went to the Polish Church in Stamford and after that we decided to go to the mall :) I LOVE SHOPPING. In the afternoon I spent 2 hours on the gym. Now I am home and I have to do my grammar assigments. Also tommorow I have my match test. I am a little bit nervous, but usually match is very easy for me. For my grammar assigments I have to write about nutrition. That can be intresting because unfortunately I love junk food. Besides that I have to write ten sentense about mysterious place. This semester I am taking three on-line classes and I can tell it is a lot of work. Every day I am doing something and it takes forever. Becouse of those classses I am addiction to computer use. I am spending most of my day sitting on the computer and doing my homework or assigment. Also I am checking if the teachers graded or sended me e-mail at least three times a day.

1 comment:

  1. ual, you're crazy, taking 3 online classes!
    I need to go to school and see people ;)
