Monday, May 4, 2009

The old people

Being old is not easy especially in Poland. When you are young and healthy you don't think about that far future. But that are the usual ups and downs. First we are beautiful and then we are old. But can you be happy when you are eighty years old and you can barely walk? Unfortunately, in my opinion there are more disadventages than advantages of being old.
First of all, your appearance changes very much. You get smaller and you have got wrinkles all over the body. Your hair become gray. I think that it is very hard to get to used to such changes. What is even more important than appearance is the phisical fitness. Very often old people have got troubles with walking. They need to use walkingstick or even the wheelchair.
The next thing is that because of the lack of the phisycal fitness old people are not able to exist by their own. Very often they are dependent on their children. Moreover, children decide to send their parents to the old people's home which is rather condemning them to death than help. They feel unnecessary but they prefer to stay alone at house than go to the old people's home.
Furthermore, are old people poor very often. They are reciving their pensions but it is just enough for very modest living. They cannot afford going on vacation or sanatorium. They cannot even meet their friends because often they are just dead already.
As far as I am concerned it is not easy to be old person. I wish I had good children who would take care of me or maybe it is better to dye earlier. I think that the age is the only thing on this world which cannot be bought.

1 comment:

  1. This is my favorite blog of yours. I read it aloud to my father and sister. I strongly agree with you because my parents I love them so much that I decided not to get married because we are only two daughters they have. I can not see them living by themself.
